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Inground Swimming Pool inspections check the structural “health” of the pool to decide if its performance is consistent with generally accepted engineering principles and practices.   This inspection includes a written engineer’s report. Fees are based on structure size/location. Call/text for fee quote: 210.601.1379.
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Why get a Structural Inspection?

JEFFERY L. LINEBERGER, PE“…Peace of mind is by far the most frequent reason for getting a structural inspection…”

Buyers, sellers, or investors typically use these inspections to determine any future repair costs resulting from failed structural systems. A structural inspection done by a licensed engineer may reveal hidden performance issues before they become structural integrity problems.

Our engineering inspections strictly conform to the following guidelines:

Guidelines for the Evaluation and Repair of In-Ground Swimming Pool Structures – Version 1
A client interview covering a history and performance of the swimming pool structure.
A request and subsequent review of all relevant documents available from the client (e. g. swimming pool design documents, construction drawings, geotechnical reports, structural diagnostic reports, previous engineering opinions & testing).
Visual observations during a physical walk-through of the facility investigated to evaluate existing conditions.  The engineer may also determine to what extent the swimming pool structure conforms to the latest version of American National Standard for Residential In-ground Swimming Pools (NSPI-5).
Identifying factors influencing the performance of the swimming pool structure and a written report, containing at least the following: a) scope of services, observations, site characteristics, and data deemed pertinent by the engineer; b) a discussion of major factors influencing pool structural shell performance and rationale in reaching conclusions concerning the subject residence; c) conclusions and any recommendations for further investigation and remedial or preventative measures.